
Jan 26, 2024

Results Of The Private Placement And Pricing Of New Units Under The Private Placement

Announcement Title Placements
Date & Time of Broadcast Jan 26, 2024 7:34
Status Replace
Announcement Sub Title Results of the Private Placement and Pricing of New Units under the Private Placement
Announcement Reference SG240125OTHRRFEU
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Catherine Yeo
Designation Company Secretary
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below) Further to the announcement on 25 January 2024, please see attached the announcement and press release on the results of the Private Placement and pricing of New Units under the Private Placement.

The issue price per New Unit under the Private Placement has been fixed at S$2.18 per New Unit.

Additional Details
Capital Amount-Old SGD 2,950,512,846
Capital Amount-New SGD 3,150,514,766
No. of Existing Outstanding Shares 1,712,039,299
New Shares Issued 91,744,000
Offer Price SGD 2.18

26 Jan 2024 | PDF 150,867 kb

Press Release

26 Jan 2024 | PDF 147,983 kb

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