
Jan 31, 2024

Receipt Of Approval In-Principle For Listing And Quotation Of 91,744,000 New Units In Frasers Centrepoint Trust Pursuant To The Private Placement

Announcement Title Placements
Date & Time of Broadcast Jan 31, 2024 7:30
Status Replace
Announcement Sub Title Receipt of Approval In-Principle for Listing of 91,744,000 New Units pursuant to Private Placement
Announcement Reference SG240125OTHRRFEU
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Catherine Yeo
Designation Company Secretary
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below) Please see attached announcement for details.

Additional Details
Capital Amount-Old SGD 2,950,512,846
Capital Amount-New SGD 3,150,514,766
No. of Existing Outstanding Shares 1,712,039,299
New Shares Issued 91,744,000
Offer Price SGD 2.18
Attachment 1

31 Jan 2024 | PDF 135,665 kb

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