
Oct 22, 2009

Notice of Book Closure Date for Distribution: 1 Jul 2009 to 30 Sep 2009

Notice Type Notice of Book Closure Date for Distribution
Corporate Action Details (e.g. Rights ratio, dividend ratio, tax rate, etc) Distribution for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 September 2009
Record Date 02/11/2009
Record Time 17:00
Date Paid/Payable (if applicable) 26/11/2009
Footnotes Distribution Type:

a) Taxable income
b) Tax-exempt income

Distribution Rate:

a) Taxable income distribution - 1.93 cents per unit
b) Tax-exempt income distribution - 0.11 cents per unit

Par value of units: Not meaningful

Tax Rate:

Taxable income distribution
Individuals who hold the units as investment assets and not through a partnership in Singapore will receive pre-tax distributions. These distributions are tax-exempt at the individuals' level.

Individuals who hold the units as trading assets or individuals who hold units through a partnership in Singapore will receive pre-tax distributions. These distributions will however be subject to tax at the individuals' level at their applicable income tax rates.

Qualifying unitholders will receive pre-tax distributions. These distributions will however be subject to tax at their applicable income tax rates.

Qualifying foreign non-individual investors will receive their distributions after deduction of tax at the rate of 10%.

All other investors will receive their distributions after deduction of tax at the rate of 17%.

Tax-exempt income distribution
Tax-exempt income distribution is exempt from tax in the hands of all Unitholders. Tax-exempt income relates to the net income from the investment in H-Reit.

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