
Oct 23, 2015

Replacement of 4Q15 and FY2015 Presentation Slides Deck

Announcement Title Financial Statements and Related Announcement
Announcement Subtitle Full Yearly Results
Date & Time of Broadcast Oct 23, 2015 18:49
Submitted By Piya Treruangrachada
Company Secretary
Description Status: Replacement

The attached presentation slides supersede the previous FCT 4th Quarter & Full Year FY2015 Financial Results Presentation Slides released on 22 October 2015 at 07:32:54 hours (Announcement Reference: SG151022OTHR8ZZW).

Corrections were made to particulars of expiring leases set out in slides 26 and 27.

No other changes were made to the rest of the presentation slides.

Please refer to the revised presentation slides attached.
For Financial Period Ended Sep 30, 2015
Attachment 1

23 Oct 2015 | PDF 778,715 kb

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